
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Play doh fun...

The boys are having fun playing with their sisters. Unfortunately sometimes they don't like to play nice. They're playing with the Elmo colors and shapes play doh set that Grandma gave them for Christmas. I was having a hard time taking pictures because I had to keep getting on to the boys, yes I said boys, for taking play doh from the girls. Oh well, I guess this means there still is some little boys left in them after all. So sweet.
Just look at that excitement on Christian's face. He does love him some play doh.
See, he even made me take a picture of what he made.

In preparation for winter I had put away our water table months ago, but decided to take it out to use inside. With wood flooring and carpet water wouldn't be a good idea so I dyed some rice and put a lot in their for them to play with it like sand. I added some dinosaurs for now until they get tired of playing with them and if there's any rice left in there I'll change the theme to something else, penguins maybe? This is after they've played with it a few times and it's missing lots of rice. They do very much like to throw it as if it were confetti. A mess for me but lots of fun for them...(sigh) I guess it's worth it.
Pictures of half of our classroom.
Adorable pictures taken right before we went to church today.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

We Met Dr Seuss!

We got to meet Dr Seuss today and even have Dr Seuss cupcakes, yay! The girls always enjoy a trip to the mall but they really enjoyed this. When we were leaving Vaishali was crying and saying hug the cat. It was passed lunch time and nap/rest time, they don't exactly nap too much anymore, and they still did really well.
Here they're enjoying their Dr Seuss cupcakes. We had to move away from the table which held the cupcakes because Anjali ate hers really fast and then said "more cake, more".  The boys weren't really into the whole Dr Seuss thing and decided to go off to GameStop. Oh well, I guess they have outgrown such things after all (sigh).