
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Birthday Number 2

Oh my where did the time go?! My babies are not really babies any more. This has been the fastest two years of my life, but I have to say 2 is a lot of fun. You're doing some of the silliest things. I love to listen to you talk and some of my favorites right now are "I wuv you, you funny, and Anjali's oh man!". It's so cute to see you two playing together like when you chase each other around a room and when Vaishali feeds her sissy, so very precious. You started a two day a week preschool class a few months ago and it was hard, but now you go to school and come back saying "school fun". A few words you have learned at school in the past few months are: awesome, mine, cake, and wow. You both love animals and like saying all of the sounds that the animals make. When you wake up in the morning I often find you jumping up and down in your cribs and giggling. You both love your brothers dearly. You both love to sing many songs but Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and ABCs are your favorites, and you've both been counting to 10 in perfect order for a couple of months. Happy Birthday to my precious and adorable lovies!!!

* I did not take this picture of Vaishali, uncle Samir did, I would never allow her to come this close to a coke! lol

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